April 25-26 :- I had the opportunity to photograph SNEC-PMI 2016 (Sothern New England Chapter- Project management Institute) conference at Hartford convention centre. This is a great place to Project Managers to find out more opportunities all around you, for networking and for participating. Your growth can start and continue here. conference was attended by over 700 Project management professionals. I would like to thank Teresa Vegliante ( the project manager for the conference), Susan Bascom-Erazmus (Co-Chair facilities for the conference), Michael Smith (CTO, Board Advisory – PMI)  and Neelima Kothapalli (Hartford chapter) for giving me this wonderful opportunity.

Keynote Speakers –

Jack Canfield – Mastering the Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be  “AMERICA’S SUCCESS COACH," CO-AUTHOR OF CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL & THE SECRET, PEAK PERFORMANCE EXPERT

Kenton Lee – Shoes that Grow – Practical Compassion in Non-Profit Business Development

Stew Leonard – Reinventing the Customer Experience – Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction

To view pictures from the show, please click on the pictures below and the slide show will begin…